national water quality month, august is national water quality month, security specialists water conservation tips, security specialists water quality

National Water Quality Month is Here – Conservation Tips from Security Specialists!

August is National Water Quality Month – Conserve Water Now!

National Water Quality Month was founded in 2005 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and backed by the United Nations in an effort to promote civic discourse about how to conserve our natural water sources by starting conversations on what we can do in our own households and communities to ensure that we all have access to safe, clean drinking water for generations to come.

During National Water Quality Month, it’s hoped that everyone will take responsibility to preserve and protect our precious water supplies by following some or all of the following water conservation tips:

  1. Don-t Run the Water When Brushing Your Teeth or Shaving
  2. Only Run Your Washing Machine or Dishwasher When Full
  3. Fix Leaky Pipes – this simple step alone can save up to 110 gallons of water each month.
  4. Install Aerators on Your Faucets – this can save up to 1.2 gallons of water per person per day.
  5. Install High-Efficiency Toilets – new higher efficiency models can save up to 19 gallons per person per day!
  6. Install Water-Efficient Shower Heads and Take Shorter Showers – taking showers of less than five minutes in combination with a water-efficient showerhead can save 12.5 gallons per shower.
  1. Recycle Indoor Water to Irrigate Your Garden – if possible, using recycled indoor water outdoors can cut water use by 30%.
  2. Always Plant Water-Smart, Drought-Resistant Plants and Flowers – simply check with your local water agency for the best plants in your area. Using drought-resistant plants and trees can save 30–60 gallons per 1000 sq. ft. each time you would have watered.
  3. Use a Broom or Blower to Clean Outdoor Areas Instead of a Hose – by simply using a broom to clean sweep driveways, sidewalks, gutters, and patios outdoor areas you can save 8-18 gallons of water every minute!
  4. Set Your Lawn Mower Blades to a Height of Three Inches – Setting mower blades to three inches encourages deeper roots and saves 16–50 gallons per day.
  5. Adjust Sprinkler Heads & Fix Leaks – this will save you 12–15 gallons each time you water. It’s also important to realize that a leak about as small as the tip of a ballpoint pen can waste about 6,300 gallons of water per month!
  6. Use Mulch if You Can – Using mulch can save 20–30 gallons of water

Doing these little things can have a big impact on preserving our precious water supply for all!





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