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May is National Bike Month – Share the Road! 

Before You Hop on Your Bicycle- Get to Know These Bike Safety Tips from Security Specialists!

May 2023 is National Bike Month. Bicycling is good for the environment and your health. It’s good for your wallet, too; it is an inexpensive and reliable way to get to the places you want to go. Unfortunately, bicycling can be a dangerous pastime.

In 2020 there were 938 bicyclist fatalities, which accounted for 2.4% of all traffic fatalities during the year. Additionally, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration early estimates show a 5% increase in bicyclist fatalities in 2021. To prevent potentially dangerous situations, here are nine bike safety tips from Security Specialists for bicyclists and motorists:

  1. Never ride or drive distracted.
  2. If you are riding at night, make sure your bike has reflectors, working head- and taillights, and you are wearing bright fluorescent colors.
  3. If you’re part of a group, make sure you ride in a single file.
  4. Always expect the unexpected.
  5. Always wear a bicycle helmet when on a bicycle and a seat belt when in a vehicle.
  6. Avoid riding on high traffic roads, even if they are the most direct routes…. always think bicycle safety first.
  7. Know the Rules of the Road – A bicyclist is considered a vehicle on the road with all the rights and responsibilities of motorized traffic.
  8. Share the Road – Both motorist and bicyclist should look out for each other and show mutual respect.
  9. Stay alert and be cautious of uneven or slippery surfaces.
We at Security Specialists Want You and Your Family Members to Stay Safe While Bicycling!

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