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Safety and Security Tips to Protect Against Water Damage due to Burst Pipes this Winter

Freezing weather is upon us and with it, a growing risk of water damage due to burst pipes.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, a burst pipe can cause more than $13,954 in water damage. Additionally, the Insurance Information Institute, reports that water damage and freezing resulted in the second most claims and the third largest average homeowners insurance claim for the years 2018 through 2022. In fact, the Institute reports that each year, one in 60 insured homes report a property damage claim related to water damage and freezing.

If you’ve had frozen, burst pipes in the past, you know they are no fun to come home to or wake up to. To start the new year on a positive note, Security Specialists urges you to follow these simple tips to help winterize your home to protect against freezing temperatures which could lead to burst pipes.

  1. Make sure to close the indoor valves supplying outdoor water access points.
  2. Disconnect any hoses from the outside of your home and drain them.
  3. Cover your outside faucets with an insulating foam cover. Or wrap them in newspaper and duct tape, then cover them with a plastic bag
  4. Drain water from pipes that are likely to freeze. This includes your swimming pool and sprinkler water supply lines.
  5. Keep the garage doors closed to protect water lines.
  6. Allow your faucets to drip cold water on the coldest days. The movement will make it harder for the water to freeze.
  7. Open kitchen cabinets. This allows the warm air to circulate around the pipes.
  8. Keep your thermostat at the same temperature day and night. Never let it fall below 55 degrees Fahrenheit when you leave your home.

We at Security Specialists Want You and Your Home to Stay Protected this Winter Season!

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