Don’t Forget to Set Your Clocks One Hour Ahead This Sunday Morning!
Well, it’s here again – Daylight Saving Time (DST). Officially, the “spring ahead” time change happens at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 9. To help you get ready for the change, here are a few Daylight Saving Time Well-Being and Safety Tips from Security Specialists:
- The first rule of DST well-being and safety should be Installing fresh batteries in all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors before changing your clocks.
- Set your clocks an hour ahead before going to bed Saturday night and try to get to sleep at your normal bedtime.
- Check the time on all appliances and electronic devices. Even though many devices switch to daylight saving time automatically, appliances like the oven and microwave may still need to be changed manually.
- Don’t forget to test all smoke and carbon monoxide alarms at least twice a year.
- To check the operation of a smoke detector, simply press and hold the alarm’s “test” button. If it beeps or rings loudly, it’s working properly.
- Consumers should avoid testing a detector by using candles or matches placed under the alarm as repeated use of smoke to activate the device can cause them to fail when an actual fire occurs.
Personal Daylight Saving Time Safety Tips to Help Your Body Adjust:
To help you within the first few days following the time change and the misalignment with our bodies’ natural circadian biology, here are a couple more daylight saving time safety tips:
- Try to get at least seven hours of sleep before and after the time change
- Shift bedtimes and wake-up times by 15 to 20 minutes earlier a few nights before the time change
- Go outside for some early morning sunlight the week following the time change to help your internal clock shift to the new time