Fight the Fire, thanksgiving security tips, thanksgiving dinner safety, KIDDE, Kidde strategic partner, firedetection system, fire detectors, fire alarm system, fire alarms, commercial fire prevention, security specialists, Stamford security specialists, Conecticut security specialists

Fight the Fire! –Thanksgiving Safety Tips to Keep You Secure!

Fight the fire when preparing the annual Thanksgiving feast. Thanksgiving is the leading day for home fires involving cooking equipment, with three times the average number. To keep you and your family safe and secure this Thanksgiving Holiday, here are 8 safety tips help you fight the fire when it comes to cooking the bird andkeeping your holiday happy and healthy without the risk of a fire:

  1. Whether you cook indoor or out… pay attention and remain in a place where you can keep a continuous eye on the food. Unattended cooking is the leading contributor in cooking fires and fire-related deaths.
  2. Use extreme caution if you insist on using a turkey fryer, especially a gas-fired outdoor type. They are dangerous!
  3. Keep children at least 3 feet away from the stove.
  4. Make sure your floors are clear so you don’t trip or slip
  5. Put knives and electrical cords out of the reach of children.
  6. Place matches and utility lighters out of the reach of children — lock them in an upper cabinet.
  7. Never leave children alone in room with a lit candle.
  8. Make sure your smoke alarms are working. Test them by pushing the test button.

We at Security Specialists Want You and Your Family to Have a Happy, Healthy and Safe Thanksgiving!


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